Tag: flakes

By Vincent Jankunis

September 1, 2021

A tangible moment in time…

“What is the coolest thing you have found?” - In this article Vince describes what he considers to be one of the coolest finds of his archaeological career.

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By Corey Cookson

December 11, 2017

Find the Flake (Part 2!)

While we always prefer to survey areas prior to any impacts, the identification of artifacts in post-impact contexts can be easier because of large areas of exposed sediments. Instead of targeted shovel tests that excavate a very small percentage of a high potential area, we can potentially see everything that is under the ground. However,

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By Madeline Coleman

October 19, 2016

Can you find the flakes?

It’s not all sand, toothbrushes, and dust pans for consulting archaeologists. More often than not we find ourselves digging on aluvial fans. In other words, gravel bars created by glaciers, or even old beach shores. That doesn’t mean gravel is sterile. How many flakes can you find in this screen? Scroll down to find out

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